Tommy's Angels Foundation

Team Member


Andre Gilbert

Andre has always been the type of person to give back to any and everyone regardless if they were in need or not. He is an amazing father husband, son, companion, and friend to many in his neighborhood. Andre earned his bachelor’s degree in Finance from The University of South Florida in May of 2016. When Andre lost his godfather (Tommy) to his battle with pancreatic cancer, he wanted to make sure he would be there for others who suffered this disease. He wants to make sure no one must go through this process alone. He has always had a soft spot for helping people who were battling with their health and/or financial difficulties. In his role as President, Andre looks forward to implementing and enforcing laws written by the organization, providing strong leadership, assisting with establishing long and short-term goals, budgets, plans, and strategies. He understands the importance of providing compassionate support because it is financially, emotionally, and physically draining for loved ones.
